Case Background
Age: 11 years
Sex: Male, neutered
Breed: Feline, domestic short hair
Clinical History
Patient was presented for acute onset of difficulty breathing. On physical examination, the patient was tachypneic, dyspneic and had a heart rate of 220 bpm with a regular rhythm and poor femoral pulses. Jugular distension was noted.
Technical detailsĀ
Location of images: Thoracic radiographs obtained.
Views of images: Left lateral view and dorsoventral (DV) views.Radiographic findings
Technical issues: Both views have good positioning and good exposure.
Cardiac size including VHS: The cardiac silhouette is obscured by moderate to severe pleural effusion. Vertebral heart scale cannot be calculated, but the heart appears to be enlarged, especially on the lateral view.
Other findings: The lung lobes are partially retracted and appear to be rounded, which may be an indication of pleural fibrosis.