Case Background
Age: 13 years
Sex: Female, spayed
Breed: Feline, domestic short hair
Clinical History
Please review Blackie’s clinical history.
Patient presented for apparent hind limb pain. The patient was ambulatory, had good femoral pulses bilaterally, and normal nail and footpad color.
Click here for Blackie’s radiograph viewer (measure VHS)
Technical details
Location of images: Thoracic radiographs obtained.
Views of images: Left lateral and ventrodorsal radiographs.
Radiographic findings
Technical issues: Reasonable and interpretable, but the right label is within the lung field obscuring the peripheral lung slightly and the cranial lung fields are excluded from the lateral view.
Cardiac size including VHS: VHS 7.2. Cardiac silhouette appears within normal limits. There is a normal vascular pattern, and a mild, diffuse bronchial pattern. This pattern is most easily seen in the area of the lateral cardiac silhouette apex.
Radiographic interpretations: Normal cardiac silhouette with typical aging pulmonary changes.
Diagnosis & Treatment
Discussion: Normal thoracic film for a thin aged cat.
Treatment/management: No cardiac treatment needed.